

Thanks for joining our training.
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with additional articles and videos.
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The team at Hertz, Training for Scientists.


Prof. Sven Hendrix, March 15, 2024. 15 Essential skills for leadership in Science

Joanne Kamens, March 31, 2015. Management for Scientists: Managing vs. Leading

Joanne Kamens, Dec. 09, 2014. What makes a good manager anyway?

Guidance and good practise in the leadership development of early career researchers and academics,
Denny, F.D., Mitchell, A., Wheat, K. Developing the next generation

Leidinggeven aan succesvolle onderzoeksgroepen, Stichting Sofocles, 2010

How-to-create-a-leadership-action-plan, Prof. Sven Hendrix – www.smartscience.com


The Leading Researcher. Explore and develop your leadership potential. Vitea-2011, Denny, F.D., Mead, J.P. Tooms

Leadership Styles, Braden Becker

What works for you may not work for (Gen)Me: Limitations of present leadership theories for the new generation
Heather J. Andersona, John E. Baurb, Jennifer A. Griffith c, M. Ronald Buckley.  The Leadership Quarterly 28 (2017) 245–260

Situational Leaderschip

Situational Leadership – background Influence techniques – background

Stijlen van Beïnvloeding – achtergronden

Supervising PhD candidates

Agreements between Supervisors

Supervision of external PhD-students

Laat promovendi niet zo zwemmen Brugh, M. aan de, NRC.nl, 26 januari 2018

Rendement verkend. Succes- en faalfactoren van promotietrajecten aan Nederlandse  universiteiten Berger, J. en Jonge, J. de, Zoetermeer, 2005. EIM

Supervising PhDs – Scheme: The First 12 months 

Supervising PhD candidates. Pt 1 Finding a balance (mp4)

Psyochological safety

Social Safety in Dutch Academia, KNAW-Advisory report, 2022

How to Intervene When You Witness a Microaggression, Kim, J. and Meister, A., Harvard Business Review, 2022

Harassment at the University of Groningen, YAG-report, 2021


Amy Edmondson, Building a psychologically safe workplace
Tedex: https://youtu.be/LhoLuui9gX8?si=O06y44GfwbYeNT9U 



Pushing too little, praising too much? Intercultural misunderstandings between a Chinese Doctoral student and a Dutch Supervisor. HU, Y. , Veen, K. van en Corda, A., Studying Teacher Education, 2016

Dubbele standaard voor vrouwen bij beursaanvraag, Science Guide, juni 2022

Vrouwen zijn veel minder vaak auteur, Science Guide, juli 2022

The Performance of Gender Diverse Teams, Lauring, J., Villeseche, F., European Management Review, 2017

How diversity contributes to academic research teams performance, Saa-Perez, P. de, Diaz-Diaz, N.L., Aguiar-Diaz, I., Ballesteros-Rodriguez, J.L., R and D Management, 2015

Considering Diversity – Multivoicedness in International Academic Collaboration, Akkerman, S., Admiraal, W., Simons, R.J., Niessen, T., Culture and Psychology, 2006

Promoting Diversity in Academic Leadership, Page, O.C., New Directions for Higher Education, 2003


How to deal with the Dutch? / Expats about their cultural shock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOexCpTHxLI